
Photo credit: syda_productions via Freepik

???If you?re anywhere like me, a common topic that floats around during Christmas parties is MONEY.

Who made the most money?

How much more do things cost now?

Why can?t Making money be easy?

The theme of Christmas season ? giving and sharing ? seem to just fade away in the background as people focus on the problems Money is causing them.

As someone who?s always had money ? not because she?s born with it, but because she simply loves how Money makes everything simple and easy, I?m sharing the top three ways to make money more enjoyable this Christmas.

1. Choose gifts that are more symbolic.

When you?re looking for gifts to give, don?t go to the gift shop to buy the most generic and the most popular thing.

Instead, think of what is symbolic of you. How do people look at you? How do you want to be remembered?

Get a gift along those lines.

For me, I?ve been making these very small Photo magnets. I?d choose a photo from the year and have it printed on the magnet. Then I give that as a gift.

The cost? About 2 USD.

The value? Priceless!

My friends can?t stop saying how much they love it even after the holidays!

Before I found a store that makes them, I used to just print them out and have them laminated. Then I use a permanent marker and write on the back ? kinda like a gift and a card at the same time.

The cost for this? Definitely less than 2 USD.

The value? Priceless!

2. Never give specific answers to any money-related question over the holidays.

People are nosy.

Families?more so!

They are always up our ?a**? telling us to either do better or be better.

It used to really drag me down! Until I realized that most people feel valued when they ?help? and they think they ?help me? by giving me unsolicited advice.

So they start with ?How?s work? Have you got a raise? Are you making money yet? Don?t you want to buy a house??

Don?t give any specific answer. And don?t fall down the rabbit hole of going on defense.


What I do when others start being nosy is this:

I just reply with, ?Hmm? that?s a good idea. I?d consider that.?

And then I change conversations.

Since I started replying this way, I never felt awkward in any gathering! PLUS, I actually get good ideas!

3. Ask for things.

When I was a child, I was so scared of asking my mom for anything because she tends to answer me with ?That?s a waste of money?.

So instead of giving up the idea of getting the newest doll, I?d call my relatives and my godparents. I?d say something like ?

?Hi Aunt! Merry Christmas to you!? (And conversations would follow)

Then later I?d say ?I?d really love a doll for Christmas! Wouldn?t it be great for me to have a doll??

My aunts are usually happy to hear this because it gives them one thing less to think about.

So ask for what you want this season.

New job? Tell people around you what kind of job you are looking for and someone is likely to point you to the right direction.

New clothes? Ask yourself what kind of clothes would be nice. And go to a mall and get yourself some.

New partner (romantic)Visualize what kind of partner you?d like to have.

Money is actually a very spiritual tool. When you don?t paint it as the root of all evil and see it as a means to feel fulfilled and happy, you will see more Money coming in and circulating!

Have fun with the three Money-Love activities! And let me know how things went!


Blessing of miracles,