
Photo credit: Sangga Rima Roman Selia via Unsplash

???I?m a big proponent of the Business of Me. ??

And I continuously invest in support ??

... in both mindset + heartspansion ?? and implementation + execution

?Normal people? - often ask me why I cant do my own housework, or my own shopping, or my own editing, or my own website ??

The simplest answer: I?m not normal. I know where I excel in, where I?m ?okay? at, where I?m ?bad? at.??

What people don?t realize is that champions make it to the top because they consistently have people to ?spot? them 

Champions continuously train - come rain or shine. ??

They continuously work on their craft and don?t give up just because they hit a wall.??

When everyone?s freaking out about corona virus and how it?s impacting their businesses, I?m focused on how I?m growing mine.??

This year, I?ve already invested a lot of resources into putting together a team, scaling operations, and hiring experts that can give me a different take on things. 

When you seek for support, it doesn?t mean you?re not good at what you do. It just means that you?re committed to being better.

Think of it this way: 

??If Mariah Carey were to open a masterclass for expert singers. Would Kelly Clarkson say no? ??

Here is the thing: ??

If you want a different life, not more of the same thing, you need to take a different approach.??

Otherwise you?ll just be in the same circle - albeit bigger.??

Look, the world wants you to trust your magic and step out of your little corner. But it?s up to you to seek the support you need. Trust the Universe has your back.