
Photo credit: Artur Szczybylo via

?????Yesterday, I had a great day catching up with very good friends of mine.

The moment I knocked on their door and pretty much announced my presence, we hugged and they said

?You look so fancy! But? why no purple!? I expected to see you in purple!?

Since early 2017 when I declared my color?s purple, I?ve embodied it: in my clothes, apparel, brand. I?ve integrated the color purple so much in my every day style.

Everyone in my circle of reach ? family, friends, followers ? ?got? that I love purple. My efforts in establishing my brand paid off.

I should be set in stone. But I wasn?t.

In February 2018, I got a pull toward incorporating different shades of green into my wardrobe. At the same time, I got this strong ?itch? to do a massive rebrand.

Reluctance came. I was very hesitant.

Why change when things are working? 

Why invest another huge amount of time, money and energy when I?ve built a following? 

Why go away from what I?m known for?

As I kept pondering on these questions, I came to one conclusion: it?s still me.

Yes, I?ll add another color ? but I?m not removing purple.

I?m changing things up for my brand. But I?m still talking about the same things I?m passionate about.

The ?flaw? in wanting to be in a flow is that we tend to resist our natural evolution. 

We are no longer the person we were a year ago. We?re no longer the person we were yesterday.

?Evolution is allowing ourselves to grow into bigger shoes while keeping the best pieces of ourselves. 

My answer was to ?why no purple?? ?

NOT NO ? just not today! Today I?m doing green ? because I?ve decided to incorporate more green! 

That made my friends just laugh and say ?this is so you!?


Blessing of miracles,