
Photo credit: Mario Purisic via Unsplash

I am still feeling wistful as I write and look back on How the Collective is Supporting Me now.

Before you scratch your head and wonder what I mean by this, let me explain what I mean by the collective.

The collective is something outside of our individual effort, talent and gifts. It is part of us as we are part of it.

The collective helps to align the circumstance that propels us forward and to materialize the vision we?ve held for ourselves.The collective allows us to birth our projects, our initiatives and our endeavors.

Having explained what I mean by the collective, I am now sharing each circumstance that was ?conspired? on and ?created? for me, my mission and my miracles.

This Monday, #7DaysOfMiracles officially went live and already started revolutionizing how people define the word MIRACLES. I?ve seen people sharing how things came tothem without expecting them!

On Tuesday, I came upon my new apartment. That day, I was wearing sweats and did not even have the cash for the deposit with me. That night, I was given perhaps the most honoring and humbling gifts of all ? to be publicly termed a VERB, a MANTRA and a HASHTAG all at the same time!

Yes, you read that right!

A verb: ?I have been Maria?d and I?m grateful?

A mantra: I?ve been Maria?d

And a hashtag: #IveBeenMariad


Wednesday, I was shown the bag of my dreams! (Pardon my vanity; I am a woman after all!)

I just had my hair cut (new hair for the spring). As I was walking, there it was the bag of my dreams, in my signature color, and just right in front of me!!!

Did I buy it right then and there?


I wanted to, but no!

I am moving and I want to focus all my efforts and resources for the move.

That bag came with a hefty price after all.

As it should be, because it is of value to me and there is nothing like it!

But seeing it, is believing, that I am going to have that bag?when the collective conspires once more!

On Thursday, I?ve received an honest and quite revealing message from a client who wasn?t so at peace with a session she got. This allowed me to open up more and see what I need to see at a time when

I am getting the old out for the new!

In addition, I reconnected with the business partner that broke my spirit and my heart at the same time. It allowed for a closure that I thought had already been but actually had not.

Also, I was cut when I went LIVE in my Facebook group just as I was talking about PRESENCE and BEING PRESENT.

In a few days, I will be hosting and facilitating the first ever FB revolution ? a week of revelations and revolutionary re-programming.

Is it a coincidence that all of the above happened just as I am preparing for the FB revolution?

Totally! But, more than a coincidence?it is a Co-Incident, Co-Creation, and Co-Manifestation!

To learn more of the FB revolution that I?m talking about, click here.