
Photo credit: Mohamed Hassan via Pixabay

Think of the game Jenga.

To start playing Jenga, you?ve got to set it up through building the base first and then stacking the pieces until you have everything in place. 

Just like Jenga, energy is layered. Every piece has its own place in the giant stack. Moving one carelessly can topple the entire thing. 

When people work with energies, particularly on clearing energies, many focus on pulling out ?codes? or ?memories? or ?beliefs? without further contemplating on how this piece affects the blocks above, below and around it. 

Some even rush to take out the ?root? of the belief, causing the entire system to crash. This is why a lot of people need to take a long time to go through an energetic recalibration after the ?spiritual clearing/healing/unlayering? they just experienced.

(Imagine playing Jenga, rushing to take out the bottom piece. There is a high chance you cause the entire stack to collapse and end the entire game. If you want to continue playing, you?ll then need to start building everything up again)

Energy clearing is about precision. 

It is about looking at the entire system and how one belief / memory / code affects the rest of the other beliefs, ?coding?, and principles you?ve been living or operating from your entire life. 

Precision is necessary to ensure each code, belief or principle is independent from another. 

The key is DIS-INTEGRATION. Dis-integration happens when you clear energy around certain beliefs, you have to start separating what is and what?s not. 

Suppose you want to clear the belief ?Money is bad". You have to first pinpoint the root of that belief. Where did the belief ?money is bad? started? Did it come from your childhood? Did it come from your past? Did it come from your ancestors? Has it just always been in your mind?

There are three layers of consciousness: conscious, subconscious and unconscious.

Like Jenga, consciousness is stacked.

Unconsciousness is the bottom layers. These are the things that you don?t even know affect you. Examples of these ?hidden? things are karma, collective energies and generational wounds.

Subconsciousness is the middle layers. These are the things that you can easily trace to like childhood and societal programming.

Consciousness is the top layers. These include the thoughts that you think, the doubts that you tell yourself, the fears that you?re aware of. 

Going back to the belief ?money is bad?, you start with asking yourself if the root of this belief comes from your subsconscious (the things you know).

For example,

Did you grow up with parents giving you the impression that talking about money is tacky? Or were your parents always fighting about money?

If yes, you can dis-integrate first by deeply reflecting on:

Is talking about money really tacky? Or is it just your parent?s beliefs?

Did money cause your parents to fight? Or were your parents already having problems and money was a great scapegoat?

After you dis-integrate the belief at the subconscious level, you then check in with yourself at a conscious level. Ask yourself again, ?Is money bad?. Your first reaction is what?s perceived true at your conscious layer.

If you still get a yes to money being bad after dis-integrating beliefs at a subconscious level, the next layer to work on is the unconscious layer, which involves karma, generational wounds and collective beliefs.

With this you can work with a healer to pinpoint exact issues, but if you want to give it a try yourself, below is one possible question. Always go with your first reaction.

Did any of my ancestors need to believe that money was bad? 

It?s highly likely that you get a yes on this. It?s very possible that an ancestor needed to believe money was bad to survive. Or that an ancestor did bad things with money because that was the only way to survive then.

This belief was simply passed down through generations, the same way diseases like diabetes were passed down. 

To dis-integrate, you do NOT need to take out the belief ?money is bad? but rather change the narrative to ?money does not need to be bad today since times have already changed?.

Simply taking out the belief ?money is bad? may affect the life that your ancestor had. In doing so, it might create more beliefs that won?t serve you today. 

The process of dis-integration starts at neutralizing thoughts / beliefs - making them not ?all-encompassing?.

In this example, ?money is bad? may not be necessarily true. As such ?Money CAN BE be good? or ?Maybe, money is good?.

Neutralizing this belief instead of polarizing it will make your ?system? be more receptive to a different thought. 

You can accelerate the neutralization of the belief to a state of a more positive conditioning through giving yourself ?proofs? that something CAN BE true. 

For example, you can list down 10 different ways money CAN BE good. 

This way, your ?system? can slowly integrate the new idea of ?money is good? instead of go into a ?system crash? as it rejects the new belief you are feeding it because the idea of the new belief is simply too far-fetched.